
Local Care Home Couple Celebrate Milestone Anniversary

Milestone AnniversaryEdward and Poppy Mills, residents at Prince George Duke of Kent Court, Kent, have celebrated their Platinum (70th) Anniversary. The couple celebrated the milestone with family, friends and staff at the RMBI care home on the 17 February, three days after Valentines Day.

To mark the special occasion, Ed (91) and Poppy (89), received a telegram from the Queen congratulating them on 70 years of marriage.

The Mills shared their special day with fellow residents and staff by inviting them all to enjoy a slice of their cake, which was specially made by the Home.

The couple met in North Shields when Ed was sent there as a petty officer to a new ship. They married on the 17th February 1945 and have two children, three grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

Sue Goodrich, Activity Coordinator at Prince George Duke of Kent Court said: “We were delighted to be able to take part in Ed and Poppy’s tremendous milestone. The Mills are a wonderful addition to our Home and the staff were thrilled to join the family and residents in celebrating their long marriage.”

The Mills moved into the RMBI care home in February last year and both enjoy musical events, trips out on the mini bus and the Home’s famous monthly prize bingo event.

Ed’s advice to all married men is to do everything together. Poppy’s advice to the ladies is always let him think he is right!













