
Four Seasons Health Care Staff Achieve Success At The 2014 Nursing And Residential Care Awards

Nurses and care assistants from Four Seasons Health Care will receive awards at this year’s Nursing and Residential Care awards, which recognise people who are outstanding within their care roles.

Kerry Angeloni and Helen Brown from Avery Lodge, Lincolnshire, are to share the award for Best Care Initiative for their implementation of “FinerDay” in their care home. FinerDay is a social networking project in which residents create online profiles, allowing them to interact with each other, their carers and the outside world. The project has been very successful, with many residents experiencing a positive change in their wellbeing as a result of regular engagement.

The Best Care Assistant award will go to Maxine Smith from Ladyville Lodge, Essex. A resident nominated Maxine for her dedicated and compassionate care, which provided him with much-needed comfort.

Lastly, Ashurst Park care home’s Fiona Dinsmore is to collect the award for Best Registered Nurse for her significant contribution to treatment, innovation and improvement in the care that people receive.

In addition, several Four Seasons Health Care staff members are to receive high commendations for their services within their respective care homes. These include: George Minja for his work as a care assistant at Murrayfield, Helen Brewster as The Cedars  home registered manager, Mark Bird as Murrayfield’s care home registered manager, Yvette Charlton for her work in moving and handling at Granby Rose, and Alison Conheeney for her person-centred care at Kilburn. All of the recipients will receive a certificate of achievement.

Ian Smith, Chairman and interim CEO of Four Seasons Health Care, said: “We are delighted that so many of our hard-working staff have been recognised by the prestigious Nursing and Residential Care Awards. These awards highlight our commitment to supporting our staff so that they may provide the best care possible for their patients.”

The Nursing and Residential Care Awards is a new national awards initiative designed to recognise individuals who have shown outstanding excellence within their specific care roles. On Friday 21st March, health care professionals, carers and volunteers will receive their award at a black-tie event in London.







