
Report: Sudden Death And Activity Provision – What’s The Link?

napaNAPA has just published this ‘must read ’report funded by a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travelling Fellowship. Sylvie Silver, the executive Director of NAPA travelled to Australia and the USA to see how activity staff in those countries are trained and developed in comparison with what happens in the UK. This easy to read report documents her observations and makes recommendations for how NAPA and the care sector should progress this much neglected but vital element of care in the future.

Sylvie Silver says:

“The Churchill Fellowship allowed me the time and space to observe, discuss and crystallise my beliefs. I hope that the title of my report will inspire people to read on and see if they agree with my assertion that everyone deserves a sudden death.”

My aim in brief, was to compare what two other nations are doing to provide training and support for activity providers and creative artists with what happens in the UK.

My major findings

  • Training and formal qualifications do make a difference
  • Lifestyle and health are inseparable
  • All care professionals identified a lack of training around leadership in the care sector
  • Creative arts professionals can support quality activity provision if enabled to do so
  • Sharing international knowledge benefits everyone

My recommendations

  • Every activity specialist should hold a formal qualification relevant to their work
  • Qualifications up to degree level for activity leaders should be available
  • Greater attention must be paid when Care Planning to link health, well-being, lifestyle and leisure.
  • Care settings should consistently seek the support of health care professionals and creative arts professionals
  • Training and development in leadership skills must be formalised and made available to all

We should all aspire to a ‘Sudden Death’ for every older person













