rsz george and marion 70th wedding anniversary 0

Connaught Court Residents Celebrate 70 Years of Wedded Bliss

rsz_george_and_marion_-_70th_wedding_anniversary_0A couple have celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary with the help of staff and fellow residents at Connaught Court in Fulford, York.

Marion and George Norris were married in the summer of 1948 in a church in Middlesbrough where they lived at the time. Marion, then aged 20, was working at the local tax office, while George, then aged 24, was at the start of his career in engineering and construction. They honeymooned beside the seaside in Whitby.

Now aged 90 and 94, the couple’s marriage is still going strong which they attribute to “plain talking, good humour and honesty. Marion added: “I am a very patient woman!”

The couple had two children, three grandchildren and a great grandson, named George.

To top off the celebrations at the Home – where Marion and George have lived for two years – their son Phillip and wife Anna, who live in Ibiza, arranged to pay a special surprise visit.

Activities Coordinator, Fran Tagg, said: “It was lovely to be able to help Marion and George celebrate their 70 years of marriage. To stick together through thick and thin for so many years is an amazing feat. They’re an inspiration!”













