
Care Home Manager Skydives For Charity

The manager of Littleport Grange, the Minster-run care home in Ely, has soared to new heights and raised over £1,000 in sponsorship and donations by completing a tandem skydive. The funds raised will be used to enhance the care home’s garden and make it accessible to wheelchair users.

Kathryn McGuirk, the registered manager at Littleport Grange, took off from the North London Skydiving Centre in East Cambridge and flew to a height of 12,000ft before leaping from the aircraft. Kathyrn then fell to a height of about 5,500ft before her buddy jumper deployed their parachute. The jump took place on a perfectly clear morning, so Kathryn could take in views of the surrounding countryside for miles around.

The amount raised will pay for an outside area at the home to be decked, creating a terrace that will allow wheelchair users to enjoy the home’s garden. Remaining funds will contribute to purchasing garden furniture and a gazebo.

£530 of the total came from sponsorship from residents, their family members and visitors to the home. Mahesh Patel, chief executive of the Minster Care Group, donated a further £500.

Kathryn said: ‘I loved every minute of the experience. It was the second time I’d done a parachute jump, so I really got to savour it this time. I’m very grateful to everyone who generously sponsored me. The money raised will pay for significant improvements to the garden at Littleport and enable all of our residents to enjoy it.”













